Gold Disease Safe 125ml
A medicine for sick goldfish. If Goldie is looking poorly or sad, quickly add the recommended dose of Disease Safe.
When do you need Disease Safe?

Fish are fragile creatures and are easily stressed by poor water quality or an unsuitable aquarium set up. Things like adding new fish, high ammonia levels or carrying out a major clean-out can be a big deal for little Goldie. Too much stress make him more susceptible to disease.
Gold Disease Safe is an all-in-one medicine that works on a wide range of illnesses. It is specially formulated to be effective but safe. If your Goldie is looking poorly, remove the fine floss cartridge from your filter and quickly add a dose.
All-in-one, fast acting medicine
Treats all common fish health problems
Safe and effective
• 1 x 100ml Disease Safe Treatment
Product code | 55129 |
Dosage | 10ml per 6 Litres |
Treats | 57 Litres |
Dimensions | 4.5 x 4.5 x 12.5cm |