Our story
Behind the scenes
The Interpet offices are a hub of enthusiasm, knowledge and all around geekery for fishkeeping. With a combined experience of well over 100 years in the hobby, fishkeeping is not something left at the office. This foundation has driven the brand forwards and pushed us to keep innovating and always be one step ahead of the competition.

The start of Interpet
Interpet was founded In the UK by Dr Neville Carrington, a British chemist who entered the business world through his love of fish keeping. Neville’s passion for fish keeping stemmed from his father, O.L.Carrington, who had been an avid fish keeper since the 1930s. In the early 1950s a suggestion was made to Neville and his father – why not formulate a liquid food for fish?
Neville, who was studying towards a pharmaceutical degree at the time, worked out a formula during a family holiday. As soon as he returned home, production began; inside the garden shed in a washing boiler, using equipment Neville had designed and made himself. The liquid fish food, now known as Liquifry was put into milk churns and filled either above his Father’s pharmacy or, during busy times, in the garage! In creating the first range of liquid fish food, Interpet Ltd was born.
In 2004 Central Garden and Pet one of the largest pet and garden companies in the World added Interpet to their family of brands.
Today at Interpet, we continue to develop products for pets and their owners with the same passion and creativity that Neville first did – striving to make pet keeping more enjoyable and rewarding for everyone.