Fish Box LED 19L Aquarium FAQs
Answers to the questions most commonly asked about our Fish Box LED Aquariums.
The guarantee is for 1 year.
The total wattage of the lamps supplied in the Fishbox LED 19L is 0.8 watts.
The Fishbox LED 19L top filter is designed so that once the filter cartridge is fully blocked the water flow is automatically diverted to an overflow section ensuring that all flow returns back to the aquarium safely.
At this point we recommend that you replace your cartridge.
For the best results we would advise that the filter pad is replaced monthly, doing so will keep your aquarium healthy, clean, clear and algae free.
The Fishbox LED 19L has been designed so that the LED light can be easily accessed and changed.
For a fun upgrade we recommend you add a colour change LED 20cm (product code: 51476) which provides a rainbow of colour options (blue, purple, red, white and green).
These white tubes are Biomedia which are a crucial part of your biological filtration system.
Remove the stones from their plastic bag and lay them in the dip under the filter pad. Healthy bacteria will grow on the stones aiding your filter, breaking down chemicals through the nitrogen cycle.
Your Biomedia will rarely need replacing unless obviously broken but it can be rinsed in aquarium water to remove blockages as part of a water change.
Remember – never rinse your filter media in fresh tap water as this will kill all the good bacteria and create water quality problems in your aquarium.
We can confirm that replacement suckers are available to order from your retailer. The product code is 2206.
Please note that these suckers are for use with both the PF and CF filters.
We would advise that once all screws are removed the hood should be placed at a 45 degree angle and pulled forward for removal.
1ml of BioActive TapSafe treats 10ml of water.
Your aquatic retailer will be able to supply you with the relevant spares for our aquariums
You can use the following document to see all of our aquarium spares and use as reference when contacting them.
Use our online store locator to find a retailer near you.
If you require any further advice or assistance with spare or replacement parts you can contact our customer care team.